Summer Creativity!

It was great to see all of the TECHNE cohort (or most of it!) at the 2017 Summer Congress. As summer is now really upon us, it is a good time to think about the work you've done this year and what part of it you might like to present to the rest of us - and others - at the autumn Conference this November
You should have all received the Call for Proposals email, but all the details are right here on this website.

 For those who want to participate in the conference, but do not want to give a paper, do not forget there are many more possibilities. You can propose a workshop or performance, screen a film or an audio-visual essay, create an installation (with the agreement of the venue). Let's be creative!

One exciting development is that this year we will partner with the TECHNE journal Logios who will publish submissions from the conference proceedings.  This is a very good opportunity to publish in a peer reviewed online journal.

We will keep you updated via the general TECHNE Research Students FB group and offer more details on the Conference's own FB page.


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